Have a Green Halloween - from costumes to decoration ideas!
We all know how Halloween can be a big deal to the little ones and great fun, but why does it have to be a big deal to the environment? Let’s have a look at some simple, yet effective ways of making this Halloween season a greener one.
1. Costume swaps
How many Halloween costumes have been shoved in the back of the wardrobe and haven’t seen the light since for years? We’ve all been there, and let’s face it, that Stranger Things Halloween costume might not be popular the following year, and when it comes to kids they are never going to want to wear that costume for a second Halloween. And even if they do, what are the chances it will still fit? Not likely. So, here’s the idea, have a neighbourhood/school Halloween costume swap! Or even easier, just pop your old costumes up on Facebook Marketplace for swap. There will definitely be parents and like minded people out there in the same boat, with loads of used dress-up clothes, and not wanting to spend any more unnecessary money on an outfit that will be worn once and never again.
2. DIY Halloween Costumes
DIY Halloween doesn’t have to mean a bed sheet over the head with 2 holes in it…let's get creative! There are many great ways of dressing up in an eco-sensitive way while engaging your child in some healthy DIY Halloween costume making and teaching them more about caring about the environment. Old pillowcases also make fantastic trick-or-treat bags, so get those markers out and let your child get designing – who knows, you might have a future world-known textile designer on your hands!
3. Avoid fast fashion!
There are more than enough clothes out there already, there’s no need to fall into the trap that is fast fashion. Guaranteed, anything you’re looking for can be found on one of the many second-hand platforms out there. Vinted is a great, safe platform for all ages and genders. Unfortunately, this takes a little bit more planning, but even if you’ve accidentally left it until the last minute, guaranteed there’s something in your local charity shop, or in the back of your cupboard you’ve forgotten about, that will work perfectly!
4. Best Halloween house decorations
Now let’s talk decorations. Did you know, in the UK, over 8 million pumpkins are thrown away after Halloween? That statistic is terrifying! Here are a few ways to make decorating for Halloween less wasteful:
- Country Living has some great recipe ideas on what to do with your leftover Pumpkin seeds after carving.
- Once Halloween is over, why not fill your carved pumpkin with bird seed and make a delicious treat for your flying friends? They’ll appreciate it, and you’ll get to view the beauty of nature right in your garden!
- Ask local zoos and sanctuaries if they have any use for leftover pumpkins – chances are there’ll be an animal out there who would absolutely love your carved creation!
- Save the seeds and compost them to grow your own pumpkin for next Halloween…what an achievement that would be!
5. A few more Green Halloween ideas for 2022:
- Invest in a onesie. Winter is on its way, and we all know how cosy a fluffy onesie can be on those chilly nights. So, if you’re in the market for something new this Halloween, why not kill two birds with one stone and get yourself and/or little ones a character onesie? A fluffy penguin would make a great costume, and an even better winter warmer!
- Choose eco-friendly characters. There are many amazing characters out there that are perfect advocates for the protection of our planet, so why not be one of them for Halloween? Dr Suess’ The Lorax is the perfect example of a character that truly embodies what it means to be eco-friendly and he’s pretty damn cute too! But then there are also characters like Captain Planet, and Aquaman, who fight to protect their homes and planet – perfect for that little boy who desperately wants to be a superhero!
There are so many ways of making this spooky season an eco-friendly one, we just have to get a little creative. So let's put our heads together and make this Halloween a Green One!