1. Bring a reusable bag

When the carrier bag charge was brought into law in October 2015, there was a drop in usage by 90%! However, since then the sale of plastic ‘bags for life’ has continued to rise, with 1.5 billion sold alone in 2019. It is clear that an increasing amount of people are treating these as disposable!

Never get caught short in a supermarket again by ensuring you always carry a reusable shopping bag. Our range of Kind Bags is a perfect example – they feature stylish designs, fold up into a small pouch for convenience and are made from recycled plastic bottles. Cloth grocery bags are also a fantastic alternative as they are reusable and washable.

2. Wooden/metal pegs instead of plastic ones

Perhaps not a swap that you would usually think of! Standard plastic pegs are cheap and generally break easily – meaning they end up in landfills. Therefore, swapping to metal or wooden varieties will not only save the planet but your bank balance! As you will not have to keep purchasing replacements.

3. Replace plastic Tupperware with glass/stainless steel

Not only a great way to reduce your plastic usage but by swapping your Tupperware for glass or stainless steel you can also increase the life of your fresh foods! Strawberries, blueberries and many other fruits and vegetables can last up to twice as long, just by storing them in a glass mason jar.

When packing your lunch for work, why not swap the plastic container for a stainless steel one? These are perfect for transporting delicious salads, sandwiches, or pasta - without the plastic guilt!

4. Cling film?

Scrap the plastic cling film! Although recyclable, it is often difficult due to contamination with food. Therefore, 1.2 billion metres of cling film end up in landfills in the UK each year – a shocking statistic.

Swap the plastic for our compostable cling film, or perhaps reusable bees wrap?

5. Bin liners

When considering the waste we produce, particularly plastic, we don’t tend to think about the bin liner!

Why not swap for a compostable bag? We stock a large range, sized from 3L all the way to 240L (wheelie bin size!). Suitable for nearly any sized household bin, these bags will break down and not release harmful micro-plastics into our rivers and oceans, or harm wildlife.

Although some local councils do incinerate ‘black bin waste’, the production of compostable bags is less harmful to the planet than standard black bin liners.

Alternatively, if you need something a bit more ‘heavy-duty’, we also stock a range of compostable paper sacks.

These few swaps can be used for not only the month of July but throughout the whole year. So wherever and whenever possible, we could all try and make small changes to reduce the plastics' impact on the planet!